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Showing posts from March, 2021

Review – US Strategy in the Asian Century: Empowering Allies and Partners

Denmark's timely book includes a full assessment of US allies and partners and proposes logical strategic shifts necessary for the US in response to a rising China.

Opinion – The Responsibility to Protect the Amazon

Applying responsibility to protect ideas to environmental threats would not only set off the alarm for Brazil by staining its international image, but also potentially shake up other states.

Do Colonialism and Slavery Belong to the Past? The Racial Politics of COVID-19

The context of the COVID-19 pandemic and conceptualizations of post-positivist theory clearly show that colonial logic is still endemic in the 2020s.

Interview – Frank Sauer

Frank Sauer discusses the Iran Nuclear Deal, the 'nuclear taboo' and deterrence, nuclear sharing, and several treaties on nuclear weapons, including the New START, NPT, and TPNW.

Student Feature – Advice on Using Theory in Academic Work

Theory helps us get from research questions to research answers. It helps us make sense of questions by phrasing them appropriately and guides us to certain methods which match that pathway.

Subsidiarity Versus Solidarity? EU Asylum and Immigration Policy

An effort should be made to find a balance between measures which have to be adopted at a central or coordinated level and measures which need to remain in the hands of governments.

Wondery Presents: Spy Affair

A charismatic Russian woman arrives in the US on a mission to improve relations between the two countries, and she soon makes some powerful friends. But who is Maria Butina? And who is she working for? As Maria gets closer to the rich and connected she also attracts the attention of the FBI. In the politically charged world of US-Russia relations, everyone has secrets and almost nothing is what it seems. From Wondery, the makers of The Shrink Next Door and Dr. Death comes SPY AFFAIR a story about deception, appearances and betrayal. Hosted by Celia Aniskovich. Listen today at

Opinion – Assessing Changes in How Australia Refers to Extremism

ASIO is stepping away from using ‘right-wing’ or ‘Islamic’ and instead referring to the principal motivation of the individual or group as ‘ideological’ or ‘religiously’ motivated violent extremism.

Climate Security in the United States and Australia: A Human Security Critique

Climate change should be explicitly recognised by states as an existential threat to human security and related measures should immediately be implemented.

Review – 50 Years of US Study Abroad Students: Japan as the Gateway to Asia and Beyond

Asada provides an in-depth analysis, deepening our understanding of student exchanges as a tool of knowledge diplomacy.

Opinion – Digital Disinformation, Civic Disengagement and the Future of Democracy

As youth turn to online content rampant with disinformation, civic education is not engaging them to participate in democratic processes.

The Subsidiarity Principle in EU Environmental Law

The principle of subsidiarity in EU environmental law suggests a distinction between actions aiming for genuine environmental protection and actions aiming primarily at market integration.

Setting the Example? A Gendered Approach on Fighting Covid-19

With more women stepping into office, and with incumbent female politicians managing to remain in power, the current global health crisis could be appeased sooner rather than later.

Realist Perspectives on Trump’s Illiberal Counterrevolution

What Trump achieved in his four years as president was to expose the hypocrisy of Liberal hegemony and mark a new era of ideas and practices that have yet to be internalized.

The Complexity of Bilateral Relations

The renewal of bilateral relations research for a world of massive uncertainty and permanent change is theoretically, as well as methodologically, possible.

Terrorism in the North Caucasus: The Endurance of Russian and Chechen Tactics

The history of the Chechen-Russian conflict provides a hint toward the tactics that may be employed should violent hostilities emerge again.

The Subsidiarity Principle and European Refugee Law

Subsidiarity may be a strong argument in the political debate on draft legislative proposals as it is unlikely that new asylum legislation will contain any disproportionate or unreasonable demands.

Cleaning Up China’s Air: The Effectiveness of the EEP Plan in Beijing

While it is less clear what the exact causal mechanisms are that have led to the reduction in pollution, it is evident that policy-makers have been effective at improving Beijing’s air quality.

A Call for The Epistemic Fluidity of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting

There is a need to not only address the linguistic gap often found in research, but to equally seek authentic knowledge about African women’s experiences.

Opinion – The Biden Administration Confronts Peak China

The challenge facing Biden will be to figure out how to deal with a China that, like Germany in 1914 and Japan in 1941, sees its predominance slipping away just as it was nearly within its grasp.

Geopolitics and the British Empire: Halford Mackinder’s Liberal Imperialism

The story of Halford Mackinder’s electoral misadventure helps illuminate the ideological context in which geopolitics emerged and the purposes to which it was put.

Interview – Kon K. Madut

Kon Madut outlines how ethnic politics has impacted governance in South Sudan, the potential for a 'sustainable peace', challenges to promoting reproductive health, and the upcoming 2022 elections.

Subsidiarity: A Principle for Global Trade Governance?

If global governance is to be more than a proxy for a bargain between powerful states, the calibration associated with further codification seems inevitable.

Female Genital Cutting in Africa: The West and the Politics of ‘Empowerment’

Western models of empowerment bring only one dimension of gendered power and agency that are unlikely to have the same purchase in the Female Genital Cutting context.

Asset Revaluation and Beyond: Theorizing Climate Politics

We face radical uncertainty about whether the world will manage to decarbonize fast enough, and what political strategies can make such an outcome possible.

Subsidiarity and European Governance: Export and Investment Promotion Agencies

The concept of subsidiarity works as a compass steering the fluid transfer of authority in promotion systems with strong vertical dynamics.

Opinion – Southeast Asia: Global Rock Star in Waiting

Despite obvious weaknesses, this rising region merits a greater place both in global political economy and in our geographical imaginations, especially in these parlous times.

Teaching Fiction’s Futures: Pedagogy for Climate-Changed Global Politics

The value of using films and novels is that they give students opportunities to think imaginatively how we might deal with climate politics, organize with others, and eschew cynicism.

Introducing: MANslaughter

Listen now: MANslaughter tells intertwining stories about how one gunshot on a cold Wisconsin night in 1970 dramatically changed multiple lives. A bullet brutally tore through decorated law enforcement veteran LaVerne Stordock. Decades later, his niece, Dorothy Marcic, transformed herself into an amateur detective in a quest for truth and closure about that night. At the center of Dorothy’s investigation is Suzanne Brandon, LaVerne’s second wife, who confessed to the shooting -- and who Dorothy believes completely escaped justice. As it follows Dorothy’s discoveries, MANslaughter explores questions around the psychology of crime, the ways women are made responsible in families, and the lasting impact of trauma. A final encounter between Suzanne and Dorothy reveals a complex connection that even that gunshot cannot shatter. MANslaughter is based on the book, With One Shot by Dorothy Marcic.

What Benedict Anderson Doesn’t Understand about the Imagination

Let us accept that nations are imagined, but let us see if we can provide a better account of how imagination works. Rethinking the imagination, we have to rethink nationalism.

Interview – Ibrahim Jalal

Ibrahim Jalal sets out the challenges facing the unity government in Yemen, the UAE's influence, and the Houthi response to the pandemic.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the Growing North-South Divide

Pandemics, while indiscriminate in infections and direct consequence, have historically shown to discriminate against the most vulnerable in the short and long term.

Enhancing Creativity and Communication Skills Through IR Signature Pedagogies

IR teachers should help improve creativity, written and oral skills in a landscape where graduates will have to show their expertise to get a job.

Subsidiarity and Trafficking in Human Beings

A revised Anti-Trafficking Directive must come to terms with the demand and supply side of a criminal transaction by changing the wider environment that facilitates trafficking in human beings.

Subsidiarity and the History of European Integration

Through policy adaptations reflected in buzzwords, such as transparency and accountability, financial democratisation and funding access, the EU has mounted an effective response to economic crises.

Opinion – Japan’s 3/11: Ten Years On

Aside from the insecurity and panic caused by the nuclear crisis with its concomitant effects on an economy still reeling from two decades of stagnant growth, life has returned to normal for most.

Subsidiarity and Social Europe

it is vital that the European Commission finds new imaginative solutions for a more balanced interaction between national and supranational activities in the social domain.

The Securitization of Christianity under Xi Jinping

Through a securitization framework, it is argued Xi's administration is attempting to present Christianity as an existential threat to national unity and social order.

How Taiwan Tacitly Promotes its National Security Agenda

Since the emergence of COVID-19 and Tsai's reelection in 2020, the major theme focused more on the importance of self-defense rather than directly belaboring China.

Lingering Effects of the UK’s Brexit Role Change

While the UK has been casting for multiple roles (such as Global Britain), some of these roles are in conflict with each other and many international actors have rejected them.

The Subsidiarity Principle at the Interface of Law and Politics

Subsidiarity reminds us of the fact that law is not a hermetically sealed system cut off from society, but that it is always linked to other systems such as politics.

High Stakes for Media and Expression with Myanmar Coup

The circumstances in which the public and the media find themselves today are different from prior years. The 2020 election results were an overwhelming endorsement for military-free governance.

Looking Back on ASEAN and Sino-US Rivalry in the Cold War

ASEAN countries have front row seats to the Sino-US rivalry, though perhaps their say in regional affairs has increased from the Cold War years.

Rogue Relations under Max-Pressure: Iran-Venezuela Bilateral Engagement 2013-2020

Comparing Iran-Venezuela leaders' meetings shows that the US maximum pressure campaign against the two states has created an alliance around anti-Americanism.

International Women’s Day Interviews

To celebrate International Women's Day we asked some of our former contributors how we can challenge gendered inequalities.

Interview – Daria Nashat

Daria Nashat talks about the importance of International Women's Day, women's involvement in peace-building, and women in leadership.

Can the United Nations Deepen Mediation Effectiveness in Libya?

UNSMIL can deepen mediation effectiveness by upholding the facilitation of an inclusive political process leaves room deliberation and agreement of political solutions.

National Parliaments in the EU: Synergy Under the Subsidiarity Principle?

Over the past two decades, subsidiarity has become an important instrument to strengthen the role of national parliaments in the European architecture.

New Book – Varieties of European Subsidiarity: A Multidisciplinary Approach

By tracing the location of authority at different levels of European governance this book examines the pressures for effective decision-making despite the changing policy preferences of governments.

Gender as a Post-Conflict Condition: Revisiting the Three Waves

Feminism as a post-conflict condition does not simply entail organising feminist security as a subset of human security but making feminism a condition of (global) post-conflict politics.

Opinion – Beijing’s Position on the Myanmar Coup

Beijing’s stance on Myanmar is a stark contrast with Western democracies. It once again demonstrates a clash of international norms between China and the West.

Opinion — Dismantling Ongoing Realities of Colonization in Africa

it is time that Africans and those who are committed to Africa’s liberation from a colonial paradigm internalize that “only the best is good enough for Africa”.