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Showing posts from September, 2021

Re-Curating Painful Pasts: Decolonizing and Regendering War Memorials and Monuments

Even if they integrate decolonial thinking, memorials do not present a full picture if they focus on men’s experiences while silencing women’s stories.

Climate Change, Human Mobility and Feminist Political Economy

The responses to climate change mitigation efforts need to be targeted at not only addressing climate change impacts but also reducing gender and social inequalities.

Theatres of Difference: The Film ‘Hair’, Otherness, Alterity, Subjectivity and Lessons for Identity Politics

'Hair' is an historical document reminding us of divides long present in our society. We have learned a great deal in the decades since it was released.

Opinion – What Climate ‘Code Red’ Means for Africa

The relentless progression of climate change poses an existentialist threat to African peoples. It needs a Pan-African effort for which the African Union is the logical body.

Multimedia and Textual Analysis

Working with documents, in whatever form (multimedia, textual, digital/physical etc.) is the backbone of academic research and the bulk of how students conduct research.

Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches

There are three main 'categories' (in a broad sense) that are commonly used for research designs when analysing data: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches.

Designing a Research Proposal

Before conducting research, it is important that you design a research proposal to serve as a plan to orient you as you conduct your research and seek to answer the question(s) you have set.

Introduction to Research Methods

These resources have been curated to give a broad overview and introduction to the methods used in International Relations.

AUKUS: Recalling Legacies of Anglo-Saxonism and Muffling the Voices of Island Nations

The island nations of the Indian Ocean and Oceania should be the primary stakeholders and decision makers in this longstanding jockeying for power.

Towards a Better Understanding of the Underlying Conditions of Coups in Africa

The conditions that incited old coups across Africa are still present. Only that they now operate in a different post-9//11 and, perhaps, Covid-19 historical moments.

Opinion – US Artillery: Crusader is Out, What is Next?

War is not simply about having the biggest gun, it’s about having the right gun. It is likely that the US army will resort to howitzers more similar to French artillery in the near future.

Now Recruiting: Commissioning Editors

We are looking for aspiring academics and early career researchers to join our team and help us work with expert authors on a range of new articles and books.

Turkey’s Role in Syria: A Prototype of its Regional Policy in the Middle East

The Arab uprisings have interrupted the conciliatory course of bilateral relations and disturbed the normative framework of Turkish diplomacy in the region.

Around the World in 80 Stereotypes: Images of the MENA Region in Hollywood

This study of MENA representation in Hollywood (2001-2008) finds foreign-accented English and multilingualism were most often associated with negative motivations.

A Totalitarianism of Our Time: What Arendt Tells Us About Environmental Injustice

Arendt’s works show us that International law, and international human rights, only have meaning when justice is achieved locally.

Beyond the Race-neutrality of Prevent: White Britain and the Racialised Threat

Resisting exclusionary practices of the UK's counter-terror strategy, Prevent, is key to destabilising its white supremacist state power and racist logics.

China’s Increasing Influence in the Middle East

China has strengthened its foothold in the Middle East in the 21st century by improving economic and diplomatic relations with the region in pursuit of a number of policy objectives.

Explaining Bipartisan Support for the US Innovation and Competition Act

The ICA received bipartisan support due to both parties perceiving China’s authoritarianism similarly. Yet, partisanship remained active throughout negotiations.

Interview – Omar McDoom

Omar McDoom outlines his research on genocide, particularly the Rwandan genocide, radicalization, and methodological approaches.

The International Political Economy of Health: The Covid-19 Vaccine Distribution

For global cooperation on common threats, the complex composition of regional-multipolar systems must be considered as rising and regional powers compete for resources.

Stories from after 9/11

How did 9/11 the day become 9/11 the idea? That question drives award-winning host Dan Taberski (Missing Richard Simmons, Running From COPS, The Line) to shift his focus to what happened on 9/12, and every day after that. 9/12 is a poignant, surprising, and surprisingly funny seven episode series about people who wake up on 9/12 having to navigate a new, radically altered world. A teenager gets caught up in an out-of-control conspiracy theory that he helped start. A Pakistani business owner finds hundreds of his Brooklyn neighbors are disappearing. Joke-writers at The Onion must figure out just how soon is “too soon”? 9/12 asks what it all means. We know what happened on 9/11. But what happened on 9/12 to alter our memory and our perspective forever?  Listen to 9/12: All seven episodes of 9/12 are available to stream now on Amazon Music or Wondery+. Episodes will release weekly everywhere starting September 8th. See Privacy Policy at

“No Friend of Iran”: Tehran’s Responses to the Taliban’s Return to Power in Afghanistan

Part of Tehran’s outreach to the Taliban has been to blame Afghanistan's chaos on the US. But, past events suggest that the Taliban is no friend of Iran.

Different Type of Refugee: Onward Journeys of Gulf-Born Migrants from Politically Volatile Countries

Academic inquiry should go beyond categorisation to understand what pushes migrants to seek alternative permanencies elsewhere, and under what conditions.

Reflections on Afghanistan: War is Folly for the Weak on Wisdom and Will

Afghanistan is not the graveyard of empires, it is the graveyard of strategy.

A Constructivist Approach to Maritime Spaces

Maritime spaces are political zones. In these spaces, agents manifest their interests and pursue their strategies based on the distribution of material and ideational resources.

Power-sharing in Iraq as a Model for Afghanistan?

Looking to Iraq as an example, Afghanistan should be wary of formalizing consociational arrangements as the Taliban reintegrate into Afghan society.

Anarchy and Occupation: The US in the Mexican-American War and in Afghanistan

The lack of domination structures through which imperial or state power can be exerted strains, and renders futile, the capabilities of the occupying force.

Interview – Yaser Alashqar

Yaser Alashqar discusses the role of external actors in the Israel-Palestine conflict, plus the impact of normalisation deals and the election of Naftali Bennet on the conflict.

Breaking and Entering: Subverting Sovereignty Despite the International System

Intervention and sovereignty are both important and contradictory components of the international system. Yet despite principles of state sovereignty, international state interventions remain prevalent.

Shifting Hegemony: China’s Challenge to U.S. Hegemony During COVID-19

COVID-19 has shed a light on China’s leadership and governance model as a tool to undermine the American position within the international system.

The Bush Administration’s Invasion of Iraq: A Case of Ontological Insecurity?

By creating new threats to generate both international and domestic purpose, ontological insecurity was integral to the US decision to invade Iraq in 2003.

Review – Citizenship

Kochenov's provocative book assesses the concept and practice of citizenship, which he contends has always, in essence, been racist.

Who Are the Taliban?

We still do not know exactly how the Taliban will rule Afghanistan. Yet, experience suggests that many Afghans have much to fear – especially women and the Shi’a.

Thucydides in Afghanistan: Imperial Abstraction, Moral Displacement, and Hubris

Astonishment at the fall of Kabul reflect habits of imperial abstraction, moral displacement and hubris that are prefigured in Thucydides writings about ancient Greece.

Creating Legitimacy in a Pluralist World Order

A pluralist vision of creative legitimation sets a large and ambitious theoretical agenda for a post-Westphalian global order that has been gestating for a century or more.

My Big Fat Greek Diaspora: Greek-American Diaspora Diplomacy

Even though early attempts largely failed, Greek-Americans approached the US polity to promote the political objectives in a process described 40 years later as diaspora diplomacy.

Interview – Isa Yusibov

Isa Yusibov outlines Russia and Turkey's foreign relations, particularly towards China and the Middle East, as well as how they view each other.

Opinion – Reconsidering India’s ‘Population Policy’ through a Regional Perspective

Considering the cases two Indian states, it is evident that the population policies in both are driven by ‘demographic fears’ stemming from Islamophobia.