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Showing posts from May, 2022

The Dangerous Double Game: The Coexistence of Nuclear Weapons and Human Rights

Nuclear weapons and human rights coexist in the form of a double game. Commitments to both differ across states, but security is often given precedence over rights.

Interview – Nivi Manchanda

Nivi Manchanda talks about the influence of the Black Panther Party on movements today, a racial militarism framework, anti-racism, and the importance of decolonising academia.

Opinion – A Hidden Victory? The Winter War and Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

In a Clausewitzian sense, Putin has successfully used Russian force to impose Russia’s will on Ukraine.

EU Migration Policy: The EU as a Questionable Actor and a Realist Power

Regarding migration, EU fails to be the normative, liberal power - instead it promotes its interests and creates a gap between rhetoric on migration and harsh practice.

Review Feature – Re-examining IPE

The two books in this feature provide fresh perspectives on International Political Economy by questioning and advocating a shift away from established economic and historical narratives.

Interview – Aseema Sinha

Aseema Sinha discusses political development and economic transformation in India.

Analysing Bøås and Jennings’ Interpretation of State Failure and Human Security

The author delves into the concepts of state failure, state and human-centered security, as well as argues for reconsideration of the idea of a one-model-fits-all state.

The Dark Heritage of Holocaust Exterminators at Leisure

Images of Nazis banqueting in merriment as their prisoners were sent to the gas chambers is a disturbing expression of the nihilism of the Holocaust.

The US in the Indo-Pacific: Leveraging India’s Period of Strategic Opportunity

Despite the current focus on Ukraine, America's long-term strategic focus is on challenging China, including deterring the emergence of a Sino-centric regional and global order.

Regionalism and the European Union

The European Union, and its role within the global system, has provided a blueprint for diverse forms of regional integration across the world.

Power and Development in Global Politics

Global politics will always be shaped by the actions of states and the importance of concepts such as the balance of power and the security dilemma.


For postcolonial scholars, an important endeavour is to highlight the colonial legacies that created current global inequalities and the neocolonial power structures that reproduce them.


Constructivists highlight the importance of values and shared interests between individuals who interact on the global stage, as well as social norms that bring them together.

The English School

The work of English school scholars draws attention to how international anarchy has its own unique type of order. After all, the world is not in a state of chaos despite its state of anarchy.


The liberal account of International Relations is an optimistic one that points towards a world of ever-growing peace and harmony, underlined by trade, diplomacy and international organisations.


When realists examine history they see a world that may change in shape, but is always characterised by a system of international anarchy that generates insecurity for states.

Opinion – The West’s Credibility Crisis in the Midst of Putin’s War

Canceling courses on Dostoyevsky and excluding Russian athletes and performers fit seamlessly into modern US culture of hyperpolarization and cancellation, now exported to all of the West

Research Ethics

These resources have been curated by the E-International Relations team to give a broad overview and introduction to research ethics in International Relations, and beyond

Connectivity and Exploitation in the Digital Age

Through participation in logistics and communications, digital or otherwise, each person has the potential to affect international relations – and the rules governing this space are still in the making.

Global Governance: Human Rights and Environmental Governance

The international community faces a number of issues and barriers that are integral towards the fight against climate change, running up against questions of power and influence over the system as a whole.

Adding Fuel to the Fire? American Security Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa

There is inherent danger in building partner capacity without first ensuring that there is a strong foundation of military professionalism.

Global Governance: Political and Economic Governance

An introduction to the political and economic dimensions of global governance and its institutions – with a principal focus on the UN due to its centrality within the global system.

Interview – Daniela Nascimento

Daniela Nascimento explains the concept of new humanitarianism and the differing impacts of humanitarian aid in global conflicts.

Opinion – The Complexities of Establishing who Killed Shireen Abu Aqla

Even if an investigation took place, the mainstream Israeli and Palestinian standpoints in the overall conflict seem light-years apart from each other.

The State and Globalisation

The process of globalisation has potentially altered how we should understand the role of the state within International Relations – both in theory and in practice.

City Diplomacy: The Case for Eclectic (and Humble) Theorizing

Cities can respond to issues of global concern in ways that may be difficult for states, but there is more work to be done in theorizing best practices.

Glossary of Key International Relations Terms

An extensive glossary of key terms central to IR and the study of global politics, taken from from the textbook 'Understanding Global Politics'.

Theories of Global Politics

A beginner's guide to realism and liberalism, incorporating insights from some of the critical theoretical paradigms within International Relations.

Interview – Darren Byler

Darren Byler discusses the idea of terror capitalism, and the domestic and international roles of the Chinese political-economy.

New Book – Understanding Global Politics

An accessible starting point for any reader looking to get to grips with how the world works – including as preparation for embarking on an International Relations degree or taking the global politics A-Level.

Review – On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous

It is a happy irony that families like Ocean’s who have sacrificed so much, bequeath to their host society a narrative not only gorgeous, but priceless.

Opinion – The Impact of the Russia-Ukraine War on European Nationalism

A revival of nationalism across Europe is a scenario that should not be excluded, especially if the economy deteriorates and insecurity increases.

Ukraine War: The Limits of Traditional Naval Power and the Rise of Collective and Civilian Seapower

If Russia manages to control all of the Ukrainian coast, this will negatively impact on Ukraine’s ability to resist and further strain global food security.

Outsourcing Security at Sea: Constructivism and Private Maritime Security Companies

Constructivism effectively explains the return and use of armed private security companies in the maritime domain.

Interview – Pallavi Raghavan

Pallavi Raghavan talks about moving away from colonial and hegemonic tropes and making IR more inclusive of the Global South.

Opinion – Germany’s Flawed Russia Policy Has Its Roots in a Misreading of History

For decades, German policy towards Putin’s Russia was beset by dangerous delusions based on a rather selective grasp of which lessons to draw from Germany’s own history.

Plus Ça Change: Russian Invasions of Ukraine, Past and Present

Repeating what their predecessors had done in previous centuries, in 2022 Russia ordered a systematic killing of Ukrainian civilians in an attempt to keep Ukraine under Russian control.

Opinion – On 9 May Putin’s Russia Will Glorify War and Stalin

Putin’s so-called de-Nazification has nothing to do with combating Nazis in Ukraine and everything to do with the xenophobic Stalinist and racist climate in Putin’s Russia.

The Glasnevin Necrology Memorial: Exhibiting Ireland’s Dark Heritage

Far from memorializing the dead, enduring controversy just shows how far Ireland remains steeped in dark heritage.

Interview – Tuong Vu

Tuong Vu sheds light on the economic performance and policy choices of East Asian countries, and the extent to which they are influenced by political regimes.

To What Extent Is ‘Great Power Competition’ A Threat to Global Security?

The maintenance of US hegemony versus Russia and China contributes significantly to the state of global security: a loss of position would likely have a negative impact.

Interview – Jason Brennan

Jason Brennan talks about the benefits and pitfalls of epistocracy, and the future of democracy.

Opinion – Macron’s Challenging Vision for Europe in Wartime

The forces of populism are far from neutered and will need to be addressed by leaders of both the right and the left on both sides of the Atlantic.