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Showing posts from April, 2023

Interview – Oleksiy Bondarenko

Oleksiy Bondarenko discusses authoritarianism in Russia and political shifts in Central Asia, including the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Opinion – China’s Global Security Initiative’s Revisionism

China’s idea of a regional and global architecture is emerging as an effort to shape a new world order with Chinese characteristics.

From Transit Country to Destination: The Road to Refugee and Asylum Seekers’ Integration in Greece

Greece's transition to a destination nation requires drastic measures to bridge the policy implementation gap in integration.

Egypt and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

While the life of refugees in Egypt is far from ideal, Syrians have received relatively better treatment compared to other refugees in the country.

Thinking Global Podcast – Ian Spears and A.F. Weldemariam

Ian Spears and Alemayehu F. Weldemariam talk about Ethiopia, the war in Tigray, national identity, coloniality, power politics and International Relations.

Civil Society and the Syrian Refugee Crisis

Civil society groups have been holding the Syrian government accountable with their actions and protests since the civil war started in 2011.

The Syrian Refugee Crisis and the Lebanese Response

The Lebanese response can be described as complex, strategic at times, unresponsive at other times, with total reliance on international agencies and donors.

Secularism: A Religion of the 21st Century

A 'secular religion' could become a dominant religion in the 21st century, alongside established religions.

Childrens’ Picturebooks and World Politics

Picturebooks are a vitally important, yet largely neglected, site in which world politics is (re)produced, negotiated, and contested.

UNHCR, National Policies and the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon and Jordan

The dominant framing of refugees as passive and vulnerable and in need of state protection and/or reunification must change.

Review – Scripts of Terror

Wilkinson demonstrates that stories matter to terrorists via detailed case studies, but could do more to consider where the scripts come from and the power of narrative.

Interview – Anton Shirikov

Anton Shirikov talks about disinformation in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe, affirmation propaganda, defensive ownership and shifts in Russia's media.

The European Union’s Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis

The lack of a common stance towards the crisis by Member States and the complexity of EU policy-making diminishes the value of the EU as a trustworthy regional and global player.

Policy and Politics of the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Eastern Mediterranean States

The refugee crisis continues to have a large impact on European societies and has sparked rises in exclusionary populism, right-wing nationalism, and national security concerns.

When Silence Speaks Louder than Words: Indian Discourses on the ‘China Threat’

India needs to be more forthright in speaking about the China threat to ensure a more robust response to China’s growing assertiveness.

Thinking Global Podcast – Thales Carvalho

Thales Carvalho speaks about Brazil's President Lula and Brazilian Foreign Policy, following-up on his article ⁠'Lula is back on the international stage, or is he?’.

Interview – Katharina Kuhn

Katharina Kuhn discusses developments in international tax policy and the role of business interests, as well as the impact of decentralisation in Covid-19 management.

Opinion – Moldova’s Sandu Seeks Support for a Pro-EU Path

After months of protests organized by Moscow-friendly parties, Sandu is pushing back to demonstrate that her EU-friendly policies have public backing.

Soulcraft and Statecraft in IR: The Battle for the Human ‘Soul’

The tug of war over the human soul is the most crucial battle in global politics and yet simultaneously the least researched global battle.

Introducing Foretold: Can a fortuneteller change her future?

Foretold is a deeply engrossing podcast that follows the life of Paulina Stevens, a Romani fortune teller as she makes the extraordinary decision to leave her community. In this preview feature we begin with a frantic meeting in a cafe where a panicked Paulina blurts out she has escaped her family's psychic shop with her children, that she is a scam artist born and bred, that she was in an arranged marriage and taken out of school in the 6th grade to prepare for a life pre-determined for her. And so begins the journey to unpack each of those claims, learning about the context and culture of Romani people (commonly known as the pejorative 'Gypsy') along the way. This podcast explores cultural identity, evolution of culture, women's roles, modernization and tradition, and group dynamics --all wrapped up in a compelling and universally relatable life story of a unique woman who is curious about the world and yet metaphysically and culturally connected to her people's h...

Thinking Global Podcast – James Der Derian

James Der Derian talks about Quantum International Relations, revealing what this could mean for International Relations Theory and International Security.

Interview – Luigi Narbone

Luigi Narbone discusses the value of an EU-MENA relationship, potential avenues to strengthen it, and the challenges it faces.

Opinion – A Diplomatic Breakthrough on Seas

The international community has what would appear to be a final resolution of the status of our governance of this shared space.

Reason, Cause, and Cultural Arrogance

Recognition that reason is a social construction throttles Western claims of cultural superiority and encourages engagement with non-Western traditions.

Review – Meddling in the Ballot Box

This timely and important book presents a well-supported and persuasive account of how geopolitical interests are advanced via electoral intervention.

Opinion – ChatGPT and the Threat to Diplomacy

As generative AI chatbots become fixtures of daily life, diplomats must experiment with these tools, identify potential risks, and then work with AI companies to mitigate such risks.

Thinking Global Podcast – Luke M. Herrington

Luke M. Herrington talks about Gender, Religion, Politics and Violence, following-up on his article ⁠'Probing the Intersection of Religion, Gender, and Political Violence'⁠.

Reflecting on a Career Researching Climate Change and Security in North Korea

In the Anthropocene, all politics is climate change politics – and this understanding is no longer a niche in scholarship.

Interview – Adam B. Lerner

Adam Lerner outlines the role of collective trauma in international politics and how to challenge some of the problematic assumptions of mainstream IR.

United Moderate Religion vs. Secular and Religious Extremes?

One can avoid the pitfalls of religion by acknowledging its importance at the macro-level for the greater good of national unity across a plural U.S. social fabric.

Process Sociology and the Global Ecological Crisis

In light of the global ecological crisis, Process Sociology offers a framework encompassing the role of human/non-human nature relations in world politics.

Process Sociology and Global Challenges: Reflections on the Covid-19 Pandemic

Understanding Elias’s sociological perspective can equip analysts with invaluable resources as they consider such questions from a long-term perspective.