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Showing posts from June, 2024

Interview – Alex de Waal

Alex de Waal discusses the current crisis in Sudan and escalations in Darfur, the ramifications for international relations, and avenues for lasting change in the region.

Understanding International Law Through Postinternational Theory and Heterarchy

As global complexity increases it has become challenging to explain the IR phenomenon through the prominent international relations theories.

Review – Friends With Benefits

Seema Sirohi comprehensively describes the India-US relationship, from past to present, but could provide more context surrounding the global status of both countries.

Opinion – The Unholy Alliance: Fossil Fuels and War

The transition to clean, renewable energy is an economic and strategic necessity for Ukraine struggling for energy security and a critical component of ensuring global peace and security.

National Populism and Anti-Globalism: Conspiracy Theories and the Reactionary International

Conspiracy theories is a further instrument in the rhetorical toolkit of the reactionary international which is integral to both their political ideology and to their wider political project.

Opinion – Incels: New Political Actors Emerging from the Manosphere?

The emerging recognition that Incel violence counts as political violence, indicates that this is a group of actors with an emerging political footprint that must be considered.

Thinking Global Podcast – Robert Fatton Jr. (Part Two)

Robert Fatton, Jr. talks about the international politics of Haiti and Caribbean affairs, looking at the ‘outer periphery’, intervention, CARICOM, and more (Part two of two).

Interview – Darshan Vigneswaran

Darshan Vigneswaran expands on outer space research and its potential influence on state formation, and the differing impacts of migration governance across the globe.

Opinion – Washington-Baku Cooperation Towards COP29 in a Fragmented World

COP29 comes amidst an increasingly fragmented and violent global (dis)order, giving the Azerbaijani presidency the monumental task of convincing participants to put their differences aside.

Queer IR and The Coloniality of Humanitarian Intervention

Colonialism continues to operate through liberal rights-based language, often rendering it more informal and undetectable.

Interview – Swati Srivastava

Swati Srivastava discusses the concept of hybrid sovereignty, the power of Big Tech, and the use and regulation of artificial intelligence by governing bodies.

Opinion – How Inclusive is ‘Inclusion’ When it Comes to Palestine?

If workplaces are serious about inclusion they should create spaces for talking about, mourning, and critiquing the human rights violations of Palestinians.

Opinion – US-China Relations and the Perils of Historical Analogy

In most cases, historical analogies have proven more likely to obscure and confuse than to illuminate and guide assessments of US-China relations.

Big Tech: Making Rules and Making Realities as Global Governors

Political scientists should use the tools formed to establish non-state governance to consider how Big Tech has gone beyond our wildest imaginations in terms of governing our lives through digital technologies.

Opinion – What Comes Next for Mexico’s First Elected ‘Presidenta’?

There is hope that Claudia Sheinbaum will implement a progressive policy agenda that prioritizes environmental, fiscal, and gender justice.

Foreign Powers and Counter-Terrorism Operations in the Sahel Region

The Sahel reminds us that counter-terrorism is a sensitive, and essentially political, field of action.

Sanctions as Violence

Honest discussions are needed on whether the price paid by those who are directly affected by ‘economic pain’ is worth the political goals of the sanctioners.

The Power of Energy: The Geopolitics of the Energy Transition

A smooth transition rests on understanding the complex interplay between (changes in) energy systems and global politics and finding ways for policy makers to balance national interests with collective concerns.

Interview – William Allchorn

William Allchorn talks about his research into anti-Islamic protests in the United Kingdom, connections to far-right movements, and policy approaches to tackle them.

Opinion – Transgressive Pedagogy in International Studies: A European Case Study

We must teach transgressively, and we must be ready to be taught transgressively, for the benefit of our discipline, our students, and ourselves.

Review – China’s Rise in the Global South

Dawn Murphy explores the under-analysed rise of China as an actor in the Middle East and Africa, but underplays the competitive nature of China's military ventures.

Thinking Global Podcast – Kevin Bloor

Kevin Bloor speaks about the A-Level global politics course, his book Understanding Global Politics, how to think about the exam, structuring essays, and more.

Alien No More: The Promise of Popular Culture for the Study of Diplomacy

By injecting reflexivity into explorations of human interactions, popular culture as a site for diplomatic studies challenges the elitist thinking that IR grapples with.

Interview – Myriam Dunn Cavelty

Myriam Dunn Cavelty discusses developments in the politics of cyber-security, including conflict and international norms, resilience, and the role of the private sector.

The Frail Foundations of the China-Russia Friendship

History helps reveal strategic differences that state leaders seek to obscure.

Opinion – Extending South Korea and Japan’s Joint Development Zone Agreement

A unified, bipartisan, approach will aid in counterbalancing China's growing influence in the region.

Interview – Andreas Umland

Andreas Umland reflects on the Russia-Ukraine war, the long-term implications of Western sanctions against Russia, and a potential military deterrence against escalation.

Decolonising Resilience: Rethinking ‘Local Knowledge’, Opacity and Coloniality

Placing opacity at the centre may enable the problematisation of external projects of intervention, no matter how ‘enabling’ they set out to be.

Artificial Influence: Exploring AI’s Impact on Political and Social Realities 

The spread of disinformation campaigns challenges the integrity of public discourse, democratic processes, and social harmony.

Opinion – The Domestic Roots of Xi’s Global Anti-Corruption Campaign

Fighting corruption is not just about catching crooks, but about changing the entrenched systems that breed them.

Thinking Global Podcast – Robert Fatton Jr. (Part One)

Robert Fatton Jr. talks about the international politics of Haiti and Caribbean affairs, looking at the global marginalisation of Haiti in the ‘outer periphery’ (part one of two).

Opinion – Could Vietnamese-Style Hedging Have Prevented an All-Out War in Ukraine?

By studying China-Vietnam relations and maintaining equidistance vis-à-vis Russia and the US, Ukraine may have averted an all-out war.

Review – Disappearances and Police Killings in Contemporary Brazil

Sabrina Villenave details the history of policing through colonial mindsets in Brazil, but could do with more philosophical exploration of perceptions of the dead body.