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Showing posts from August, 2024

Opinion – Nigeria’s Readiness to Fight Corruption and End Poverty

Nigeria's anti-graft institutions must be stronger and autonomous in order to effectively prosecute corruption and help alleviate a raft of insecurity crises.

Opinion – The Duality of Maia Sandu

The true test of Sandu’s leadership lies not in her alignment of Moldova with Western values, but in her adherence to those values in practice.

More than a Seat in the General Assembly: The Recognition of de facto States

Particularly in the case of de facto states, non-formal recognition practices can play a major role in constructing sovereignty and statehood for the territory in question.

Opinion – Queer Experiences of Atrocity Crimes and the Fight for LGBTI+ Rights

There is a clear link between LGBTI+ issues, particularly homophobia, and the prevention of – or resistance to – mass atrocities.

Interview – Dan Slater

Dan Slater discusses the concepts of strength and weakness in democratisation, and how to account for variations in democratisation patterns across Asia.

Central Asia: The Last Stronghold of a Declining Russia?

Moscow's instruments of extracting political concessions in the region are gradually losing their effectiveness as the war in Ukraine continues.

Thinking Global Podcast РMarilou Bayard Tr̩panier

Marilou Bayard Trépanier speaks about the Oil Kills uprising, its aims and practices, the fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty, and more.

Unmasking the Narrative: Is China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy Fact or Fiction?

Claims of China's Debt Trap Diplomacy stem from a Western bias against China and China's opaque lending practices, but there is little evidence such claims are factual.

Review – Navigating Uncertainty

Joseph Liow details the global power dynamics shaping Southeast Asia, but adopts an oversimplified framework to analyse the impact of the US-China conflict on the region.

Interview – Colin Flint

Colin Flint talks about China's rise, influence in the South China Sea and the Belt and Road initiative, as well as the importance of ports and seapower in geopolitics.

Between Myth and Reality: Soviet Legacies in the Russian Arctic

While seven of the eight Arctic states are NATO members, Russia is still a significant opponent in the region due to the size of its northern coastline and historical conditions.

Are ‘Climate Refugees’ Compatible with the 1951 Refugee Convention?

The 1951 Refugee Convention's limitations are increasingly evident as climate change drives displacement, necessitating broader legal frameworks for protection.

Review – Rebel Governance in the Middle East

Despite some lingering inconsistencies, this is a substantial contribution to the field, strengthened by the inclusion of a diverse range of locally-informed authors.

Opinion – Reflecting on Hiroshima

The expansion of the worldwide peace movement is evidence of the continuing dialogue concerning "museums of war and peace" and Hiroshima/Nagasaki days are at the heart of that conceptualization.

Iran’s West Asian Neo-Empire: Armed and Ready

The Islamic Republic and its liegemen are preparing to sustain a multifront war against the US, Israel, and Arab foes.

Interview – Paul Staniland

Paul Staniland discusses the impacts of local conflicts and civil wars on regional stability in South Asia, and alternative approaches to conflict resolution.

Russia’s Reaction to US-China Competition in Central Asia

The United States needs to clearly state the connection of Central Asia to its grand strategy, focusing on the foreign policy goal of engaging with the region.

The US-Iran-China Nexus: Towards a New Strategic Alignment

The restoration of the JCPOA provides the best bet America has for tackling the Chinese challenge to the US-dominated global hierarchy.

In Search of Food Security: US-China Hegemonic Rivalry in Africa

The US and China are more interested in establishing their influence, status, and prestige across critical sectors in Africa than boosting food security.

US China Competition in the Andean Region

China's growing influence in Latin America is becoming increasingly relevant for the United States, setting up a potential bipolar scenario in the region.

Cooperation or Competition: US-China Dynamics on Climate Change

To be more efficient in climate cooperation, the United States and China should recognize their political and ideological differences and concede that cooperation and competition are not mutually exclusive.

The Prospect of Shared Hegemony Between the US and China in Addressing Displacement

While US-China relations may be contentious in the international system, the non-competitive issue area of displacement presents an avenue for cooperation.

Rare Earths and Semiconductors in US Policymaking Amidst US-China Rivalry

Even assuming China will soon emerge as a leader in the semiconductor industry, it is a smarter move to leverage US technological and strategic superiority to take preemptive measures.