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Iranian FM cautions Biden the 'window for collaboration is shutting quickly,' as Tehran takes steps to go astray further from atomic agreement

Iran's unfamiliar priest has cautioned that Tehran will make a further move and lessen collaboration with International Atomic Energy Agency reviewers if the US and European forces neglect to consent to the atomic agreement. 

"With the new government in Washington, there is a chance to attempt another methodology, however the current window is shutting quickly," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Wednesday. 

Zarif said the Iranian government was prepared to make another retaliatory move and further veer off from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) which was endorsed among Iran and six significant worldwide forces in 2015, setting requirements on Tehran's atomic aspirations. 

"Before long my organization should make another retaliatory move, in light of the sad rebelliousness of the United States and Europe with their responsibilities," Zarif noted, adding that Iran was all set through with its arrangement to cut participation with investigators from the International Atomic Energy Agency. 

"This must be evaded if the United States chooses to gain from Trump's most extreme destruction, not lean towards it," he expressed.


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